Wednesday 19 December 2018

DoFollow and NoFollow Links

Understand DoFollow and NoFollow Links in SEO

DoFollow and NoFollow LinksThere are few words frequently used in Search Engine Optimiziation are nofollow, dofollow, noindex, doindex, meta robots and so on. Above all the mention terms are having equal importance in the SEO as well this blog will be benefical for beginner to understand the whole teachnial term in a proper way. Given below explain the difference between Dofollow and Nofollow links and where to use it.

What is Backlinks?

Backlinks are created when one website links given web resoursces are link to some other web resources which can be any website or webpages. Also known as "inbound links" or "incoming links,"

Differences Between DoFollow and NoFollow Links

1) What is DoFollow?

When Google bot are crawling in your website they look for external links point to other websites. If these links are “do follow” then search engines will follow the link and so link gets passed.

For e. g:

<a href= rel=”dofollow”> SearchEngine </a>

<a href= rel=”external”> SearchEngine </a>

In the above codes, have noticed the rel=”dofollow” and rel=”external”. 

They define the link as do follow. If you do not use rel attribute, the link will be automatically treated as ‘dofollow’. These links are essential for concerning SEO as search engines to track them and also value of the links gets transferred.

Click on Below Video: What's the Difference Between DoFollow and NoFollow Links

Where to use DoFollow?
  • We can use dofollow in following instances
  • Refer to the site having related content.
  • High-quality websites (like Google blog).
  • Link to the source (in case you have referred content).
Click on Below Video: Difference Between Dofollow and Nofollow Links

2. What is NoFollow?

If a search engine finds a “no follow” backlink, it will simply ignore the link and will not get more in-depth into crawling, and no link juice is passed.

For e.g:

<a href= rel=”nofollow”> SearchEngine </a>

In the above codes, have noticed the “nofollow” attribute. It defines a code as “nofollow”. So “nofollow” backlinks are not so important concerning search engines as it is not crawled. The comments section often have no follow links. But it does not mean that these links are ineffective. You can still get some quality traffic from these.

Click on Below Video: What are Dofollow & Nofollow Backlinks

For e.g:

When you go to a popular website and commented on something which brings readers attention then the reader or users might want to know more about your services or product on your website which may help you in bringing some quality readers or users.

Where to use NoFollow?

In the comments section as we do not have control over it (if any spam website might write a comment which may affect your website)
  • Unrelated sites in content.
  • Casino, gambling.
  • Affiliate Links (There are cases of hijacking affiliate links so that the fraudster gets someone’s commission.)
Different Search Engines Treat DoFollow and Nofollow Links

1. Google: Google does not follow the nofollow link.

2. Yahoo: Yahoo follows that link for finding new content, but link juice is not passing.

3. Ask: It only treats normal dofollow link and does not follow nofollow tag.

Click on Below Video: Basic SEO Tips: NoFollow vs Follow Links

How to Know if a Link is “Nofollow” or “Dofollow”?

In Chrome and Mozilla, right-click on the link you want to check and select “Inspect Element” in the menu bar. As you select it once , a window will open in the bottom of the browser with a highlighted link with HTML code. You notice over there which tag has been used, if it is used then it will be nofollow link otherwise it will be dofollow link.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Importance of Keywords in SEO

What is Keywords in SEO?

Keywords is ideas and topics that describe what your content is about. In terms of SEO, they are the phrases and words that searchers enter into search engines, which is also called "search queries." If you add everything on your web page - all the images, copy, video, etc. - down to simple words and phrases, those are primary keywords.

Click on below Video: SEO For Beginners

As a website content creator, you want the keywords on your web page to be relevant to what user are searching for, so they have a better chance of finding content among the results.

5 Importance of Keywords in SEO

Keywords in SEO

Keyword is important in SEO success factor not only to drive traffic but to build web page authority and increase domain authority. With better SEO keywords targeting, you can enhance your website ranking. Keywords are an important term in on-page SEO checklist.

1. Keywords help your Website to get Listed in the Search Results

What is a Keyword Optimized?

The working function of keywords in SEO is straightforward to understand. When the user or customer opens the search engine page and searches something for required content, then he enters the related words in the search box. Then engine shows the results that include the list of websites and the relevant content which having such keywords displayed in the result field.

The website which is well-organized and having most relevant content get top ranking in the search result for those keywords. The user then clicks on several sites for required content. This is how optimized keywords help the website to get listed in the search results.

2. Understand The Keyword Types

Every professional Content blogger used to add different types of keywords to their quality content. They use different keyword tools to generate related but targeted keywords, especially for that topic.

But what are the types of keywords you required to use and know?

1. Short Tail Keywords in SEO:

These keywords include max three words.

E.g. "SEO importance." or "Google SEO tags."

2. Long Tail Keywords in SEO:

These are most used keywords which include more than the three words. These keywords are also named as targeted keywords used in the content according to the user point of search queries.

Click on below Video: Short tail and Long tail Keywords

3. Targeted Keywords help to drive heavy Traffic to Website

How do you Optimize your Website?

Any word is referred to as a keyword when it receives a significant amount of searches queries from a search engine in a month. Many time, user types longer sentences consisting of more than three words, these long tail keywords are the terms then targeted the content and derived by the search engine. So the long tail keywords are more prominent as compared to short tail keywords.

Short tail keywords are proper for titles, and long tail keywords can be added in the description since it helps to drive massive organic targeted traffic from search engine. With best SEO keywords, your chances of obtaining higher search ranking on the SERP becomes higher.

4. Keyword Density helps to Boost Ranking in Niche

Build an optimum Keyword Density for Better Ranking

In simple words, we can say that the keyword density is nothing but the richness of content which includes the number of keywords. Once you choose your keywords that define the subject of the web page and help to derive the interest to readers, then the search engine determines the topic you talking about on that particular web page. When the search engine bots crawl and index the content, it will get understand from keyword density that for which targeted keywords your website page should rank for. You need to create your content of the blog more target rich by adding best SEO keywords to create better keyword density for SEO.

5. Keyword targeting increases Domain Authority fast

The keywords targeting is so important for your website's visibility and search ranking on the major search engines. Keyword research is necessary for almost everything you do online; from searching anything on Google, for blogging, search engine optimization, and online marketing. Along with content marketing and link building, there is a good impact of keywords rankings on Domain authority (DA), and that is why Keyword research is one of the most important SEO factors.

Long-Tail Keywords in SEO

It is essential that longtail keyword must include in your web page title, meta description, URL and content too. Focusing on your targeted long-tail keywords can be very relevant to improve SEO, and it helps to build domain authority. By high domain authority and with different keywords targetted, you can rank higher for every web page in the search results.

Click on below Video: 10 Best Free Keyword Research Tools for SEO

Better SEO Keyword Research

Based on the many important factors, Google, and various other search engines display the search results when a user is looking for particular search terms. And keywords and Domain authority are the most active search factors used by many search algorithms. Keywords define the subject and topic of the web page, whereas the domain authority measures how reliable or relevant that web page is the Google and other search engines used to decide DA score by using PageRank, page authority and link building.